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ZMA Supplements

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As the name suggests, three powerful ingredients - Zinc, Magnesium Aspartate, and Vitamin B-6 form a ZMA supplement. Why are people taking ZMA supplements? Well, they are extraordinarily good for the immune health. Additionally, a ZMA supplement can help improve sleep and improve your performance as an athlete. Some studies also suggest that a ZMA supplement may aid in controlling high blood sugar levels.

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Better Sleep and Enhanced Recovery With ZMA Supplements

When it comes to a complete and balanced nutritional plan, there are so many important nutrients that we normally tend to ignore completely. The focus with any diet associated with a rigorous training regime is entirely on aiding workout and muscle development. Another important aspect is faster recovery which is not limited to getting ample proteins and amino acids in your diet. There are several vitamin supplements like magnesium supplements that help you recover much faster by increasing the quality of sleep and rest time.
Among the different blends and types of supplements available, ZMA supplements are gaining immense popularity with advanced and elite body builders because they provide several health benefits in addition to faster recovery.

What Exactly is ZMA?

ZMA tablets contain a blend of magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6. This combination of ingredients was first developed for athletes to enhance recovery and to help replenish the levels of these nutrients that get depleted very rapidly during intense training sessions.
These supplements can change your entire approach towards training by giving you a lot more energy to complete even the most grueling training session. ZMA is also vital to help you build muscles that are not just bigger in size but much stronger as well. Studies have found that most bodybuilders and athletes are faced with the issue of insufficient consumption of these nutrients that prevent you from getting optimal results. This is especially true for those who are looking at improving the intensity of their training.

Important Benefits of ZMA Supplements

The ZMA supplement gives you an adequate amount of these vital minerals which matter the most. Here are some of the vital health benefits of including ZMA supplement in your diet:

  • Supports Metabolic Function: Zinc present in ZMA possesses antioxidant properties and can help stimulate the production of several hormones within the body. Additionally, it also help carry out various biochemical reactions within the body, and is known to enhance the basic molecular mechanisms to improve muscle growth and recovery. Similarly, magnesium is responsible for initiation of various biochemical reactions within the body. It keeps your heart healthy, improves bone health and even enhances the metabolic rate of the body.
  • Various Anabolic Benefits: Based on several studies, ZMA can help enhance the levels of testosterone in the body. Reduction of zinc and magnesium can cause an imbalance in the production of cortisol. The level of this stress hormone is higher when zinc and magnesium levels are low. This is directly related to disturbed sleep. Better sleep quality is because of the ability of magnesium to normalize various stages of sleep. Increased quality of sleep can also lead to effective muscle recovery despite very intense training sessions.
  • Regulation of Thyroid Gland Function: Thyroid is among the most important hormones in the body, and helps maintain optimal metabolic functions in the body. When the levels of zinc in the body reduce, thyroid gland function is impaired, leading to a reduced production of thyroid hormone. This further results in metabolism drop, making you gain weight faster. Another important benefit of zinc is that it helps suppress your appetite. As a result, you are not only able to lose fat faster but are also able to maintain a healthy lifestyle for sustained weight.
  • It Improves your Immunity: Both zinc and magnesium have a positive effect on your immunity. As mentioned before, zinc is a powerful antioxidant which helps improve the immune response of the body. It also prevents any tissue or cellular damage to the immune system which can make your body’s immune response slower.

Why To Use ZMA Supplements?

There are several studies to show that most people have inadequate levels of zinc and magnesium in the body. Given the quality of fresh produce today, the main source of these nutrients is affected. So, you need ZMA capsules or supplements to make up for low levels of these minerals.
In addition to this, our regular lifestyle is also to blame for reduction in the levels of these nutrients in the body. Our diet today consists of a last amount of refined sugar. It also includes products made with white flour. These ingredients reduce the levels of   zinc and magnesium in the body.
Even essential foods like dairy products or calcium tablets can reduce the absorption of these nutrients in the body. As a result, you need to make sure that you get ample amounts of these nutrients each day through supplements to enjoy enhanced health benefits. The advantage of these mineral and vitamin tablets that are rich in zinc and magnesium is that they provide both nutrients in very easy-to-absorb forms. So even if you cannot get adequate intake though the whole foods that you consume, you can make up for this by using ZMA supplements.

How & When to Consume ZMA Supplements

Most people choose the option of consuming zinc and magnesium supplements separately. While this may seem like the more reasonable option, it does not have the same health benefits. The absorption of these nutrients can still be inhibited due to various factors. Instead, choosing a ZMA supplement provides you with zinc monomethionine or aspartate along with magnesium aspartate. These forms of the two nutrients are easier for your body to utilize. Here’s how to consume them in the right way:

  • ZMA supplements are available in the capsule as well as powder form. Three ZMA capsules or three scoops of ZMA powder for men are recommended. On the other hand, the ideal amount of ZMA capsules and powder for women is 2 capsules and 2 scoops respectively.
  • You should consume ZMA 30-60 minutes before sleeping, while being on an empty stomach. This is to prevent the reaction of zinc with other nutrients such as calcium.

Precautions to Practise When Consuming ZMA Supplements

If you plan to include these health supplements in your diet, there are some tips that you can follow to make sure that you are able to make the most of your nutritional plan and your supplementation strategy:

  • To get maximum benefits of ZMA tablets, it is recommended that you consume the right dosage. This varies as per your gender and also the level of activity that you engage in. It is a good idea to consult your doctor or healthcare provider to understand the best amount of zinc and magnesium for your body. You also have a recommended dosage with each supplement that you should follow very strictly for added benefits.
  • While the right amount is highly beneficial, consuming too much zinc or magnesium can have negative effects on your metabolism and even your immunity. It can also reduce the rate at which your body recovers from training sessions. Higher levels of zinc and magnesium can also hamper the absorption of nutrients like copper which give you other health issues.
  • Make sure that you consume this supplement either 1 hour before you go to sleep and at least 2 hours after you have eaten. You need to make sure that you do not consume this supplement with any food. You must, especially, avoid calcium rich foods and dairy products along with these supplements. This is because these nutrients hamper the body’s ability to use one another. Therefore make sure that you have a good interval between these nutrients.

Some Different ZMA Supplements in India

Here is a list of ZMA supplements that help you get the best possible results with training and recovery. These are available at the ZMA supplement price, and can be trusted for the quality they offer:

  • Now ZMA

  1. With each serving of NOW ZMA, you get 450m of magnesium which is derived from magnesium aspartate for maximum absorption.
  2. Zinc in this NOW supplement is derived from zinc Mono-L- methionine and zinc aspartate to give you a total intake of 30mg with each capsule.
  3. You also have the advantage of 15mg of Vitamin B6 in each serving.
  4. The special formulation helps you get safe and effective quantities of this nutrient.
  5. NOW ZMA comes with an Informed Sport certification which ensures the best quality ingredients.

  1. This ZMA supplement by GAT Nutrition is specially formulated to improve the levels of testosterone in the body to improve muscle strength.
  2. You have the advantage of overnight muscle recovery with this premium blend which consists of 10.5g of vitamin B6, 450g of magnesium and 30mg of zinc. This formula helps you get the benefits of ample intake of these nutrients.
  3. You have the advantage of Albion Bororganic Glycine that gives you better hormone support and also improves musculoskeletal development.
  • Protein Scoop ZMA

  1. You have the advantage of a well-researched ZMA complex which is ideal for consumption before bed time for better sleep and faster recovery.
  2. The special formula of Protein Scoop ZMA is designed for athletes and elite bodybuilders who have intense training sessions each day.
  3. Each serving gives you the perfect combination of 10.5mg of vitamin B6, 450mg of Magnesium and 30mg of Zinc.
  4. It helps enhance muscle development and strength by improving the body’s testosterone levels.
  • Universal Nutrition ZMA Pro

  1. To give you the best anabolic support formula, each serving of Universal Nutrition ZMA Pro comes with 10.5mg of Vitamin B12, 30mg of zinc and 450mg of magnesium.
  2. This is one of the first brands to introduce this supplement in the market and prove its function and benefits with published research.
  3. You can be assured of the authenticity of the label when it comes to Universal Nutrition as you get exactly what you see.
  4. The unique form of zinc as aspartate and I-monomethionine ensures better uptake of this nutrient.
  5. It is completely caffeine free.
  • GoNutrition ZMA

  1. GoNutrition ZMA comes with a patented formula that gives you premium sources of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6.
  2. You have the advantage of a synergistic blend of the right amount of each nutrient to help you recover much faster.
  3. These capsules fulfill the enhanced requirement of vitamins and minerals in individuals who have intense training sessions each day.
  4. When consumed 30 minutes before bedtime, it can give you great sleep quality and rest.
  • MuscleBlaze ZMA with 100% RDA of Zinc, Magnesium & Vitamin B6

  1. MuscleBlaze ZMA provides the goodness of 12mg zinc, 340mg magnesium, and 2mg vitamin B6 content
  2. The product supports your muscle mass goals, and also aids recovery
  3. It boosts immunity, provides pre-workout support, and boosts metabolism
  4. You can also authenticate the product you choose by taking a note of the code mentioned under the cap, and either texting it on the given number or visiting the brand’s website
  5. It also ensures bioavailability since magnesium aspartate is the only source of magnesium used to produce the same
  • Himalayan Organics ZMA

  1. Himalayan Organics is an Indian brand that offers unflavoured ZMA tablets
  2. The zinc content is obtained from Zinc Mono-L-Methionine and Zinc Aspartate; magnesium from magnesium aspartate; vitamin B6 from Pyridoxine HCl
  3. It is excellent for muscle growth, healthy sleep, sports recovery, and bone health maintenance
  • Healthvit Fitness ZMA

  1. These ZMA capsules help with sports recovery as well as enhanced muscle strength
  2. Each serving of two capsules offers 30mg zinc, 450mg magnesium, and 15 mg vitamin B6
  • Dexter Jackson Black Series Zinc & Magnesium Supreme

  1. Every serving of these ZMA capsules provides 12mg zinc, 340mg magnesium, and 2mg vitamin B6
  2. These are vegetarian capsules that support recovery of muscles and boost muscle growth
  3. Other benefits include better sleep, enhanced anabolic function, metabolism boost, and so on
  • Pharmgrade Snooze Prime ZMA Gold

  1. This unflavoured ZMA supplement comes with the goodness of melatonin and L-Tryptophan
  2. It promotes sports recovery, enhances muscle build, improves sleep, and provides multiple other health benefits

Where to Buy ZMA Supplement

For those who are looking for a reliable source to buy ZMA supplement as well as other nutritional supplements from, HealthKart is the best option.  You have the assurance of authentic products that are sourced from the manufacturer directly. To make sure that consumers are protected from any adulterated products or fakes, you also have a great 14 day return policy that helps you send back any product that is not satisfactory.
Read in detail about the products before you make the final choice. This ensures that you get exactly what you need for your body. Then, you can place the order and have  the product delivered to your doorstep.

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